Friday, 23 October 2015

Current Week

Sunday October 25

Regular cadet training:

Fife & Drum 12pm – 1pm (for those cadets wanting to be in the fife and drum band )
Regular Training (1pm-4pm)

NB: Parents should arrive at 3:45pm for pick-up and announcements.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Current Week

Sunday October 18

Magnificent Squadron sports day at NLCC Assiniboine, Kemptville
11am -4pm:

NLCC Assiniboine in Kemptville has graciously offered to host a sports day for Magnificient Squadron. Corps’s from as far away as Trenton, Kingston, and Carleton Place will be joining us for a day of fun. This is a great opportunity for cadets to meet in a fun and relaxed setting. Various activities will be set up for the cadets throughout the day. Lunch will be provided and a canteen will be set up for purchase of snacks throughout the day. Please do not send more than $5. Parents are asked to drop their cadet(s) off at NLCC Assiniboine (25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville) at 11:00am and to pick them up around 4:00pm. Cadets are to wear comfortable and appropriate sports attire and should be prepared for the weather conditions as some of the activities will be taking place outdoors.

You will need to fill out a Permission Form and present it to the Officer of the Day upon arrival.Please bring your child’s health card. The Officer of the Day will collect them and return them to the parents at the end of the day.

Click on crest for map to NLCC Assiniboine (25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville, ON_:

Sunday, 4 October 2015

      Current Week

Sunday October 11
No cadet training  - Thanksgiving weekend

Sunday October 18

Magnificent Squadron sports day at NLCC Assiniboine, Kemptville
11am -4pm:

NLCC Assiniboine in Kemptville has graciously offered to host a sports day for Magnificient Squadron. Corps’s from as far away as Trenton, Kingston, and Carleton Place will be joining us for a day of fun. This is a great opportunity for cadets to meet in a fun and relaxed setting. Various activities will be set up for the cadets throughout the day. Lunch will be provided and a canteen will be set up for purchase of snacks throughout the day. Please do not send more than $5. Parents are asked to drop their cadet(s) off at NLCC Assiniboine (25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville) at 11:00am and to pick them up around 4:00pm. Cadets are to wear comfortable and appropriate sports attire and should be prepared for the weather conditions as some of the activities will be taking place outdoors.

You will need to fill out a Permission Form and present it to the Officer of the Day upon arrival. Please bring your child’s health card. The Officer of the Day will collect them and return them to the parents at the end of the day.

Click on crest for map to NLCC Assiniboine (25 Reuben Crescent, Kemptville, ON_:

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Saturday October 3


Cadets are to arrive at Carleton Memorial United Church at 740 Melfa Cres.
just off of Prince of Wales Drive near Meadowlands Drive (Hogs Back Falls Area) by 8:00 AM.

See below for more details:

TAG DAY locations
Sunday October 4
Change of Command Parade - 1300-1600

Our current Commanding Officer, Lt(NL) Bernadette Greene will be stepping down after 3 years in command. Lt(NL) Greene has over 15 years of service with the Navy League program. A hearty bravo zulu and thank you to Lt(NL) Greene for

your leadership and dedication to the program. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed.



NB: Please read "letter to parents" by clicking on the image below:

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Current Week

Sunday September 27

1300-1600 - Regular cadet training

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 13 September 2015

      Current Week

Sunday September 20

NLCC VADM Kingsmill will be participating in the Battle of Britain parade in Westboro.  Parents are to drop off their cadet(s) no later than 1300hrs (1pm) at the Westboro branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, 391 Richmond Road. 

The parade will step off at 1330hrs (1:30pm) and will be approximately 1 hour long.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to stay for the parade.  The parade will be followed by a short reception at the Westboro Legion.  

If you are not staying for the parade, we would ask that parents arrive at the Legion no later than 1500hrs (3pm) to pick up their cadet(s).

As the weather can be unpredictable, please ensure that your cadet(s) is dressed for the conditions and  that he/she has been fed lunch and has had plenty of fluids prior to the parade.  If your cadet has not been issued a uniform yet, we would ask that they wear black pants with a white collared shirt and black shoes.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Please fill out the permission form below:

Click on Legion crest for a map to the Westboro Legion: 

Click on the photo below for more information on the Battle of Britain:

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Current Week

Sunday September 13

1300-1600 - Open House and first day of cadet training for 2015/2016 training year

NLCC Kingsmill will hold parades in the new building for HMCS CARLETON. Presently there is no parking available onsite since the parking lot is still under construction. In the meantime parking is available in the paid parking lot across from HMCS CARLETON. The main entrance is by the traffic circle. When Cadets arrive at HMCS CARLETON please ensure you pay respects to the flag at the quarter deck by coming to attention and saluting.

In order to register your cadet for the new training year click at the top on FORMS and fill out the three forms. (you may use fillable or non-fillable forms).

NB: Please bring a photocopy of cadet's birth certificate and health card in order to register your cadet.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

      Current Week

Sunday August 30 

1300: Cadet registration at Dow's Lake, 79 Prince of Wales Dr.

Please click on the following forms (fillable or non-fillable  PDF's) and complete them prior to registration:

Cadet Application (fillable PDF)  (must download file in order to be fillable)
Cadet Application (non-fillable PDF)

Statement of medical fitness (fillable PDF) (must download file in order to be fillable)

Personal Emergency Notification (fillable PDF) (must download file in order to be fillable)

NB: Please bring a photocopy of cadet's birth certificate and health card.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

      Current Week

Sunday June 14

Annual Ceremonial Review

Cadets are to arrive at Connaught Ranges (see map below) at 0900 in appropriate civilian dress. Wear a hat and bring/wear sunscreen.

Map of Connaught Ranges

Cadets are to bring their full uniform. Pants and shirts are to be pressed and
brought on a hanger and boots polished. Males should have proper haircuts and females should have their hair in a bun.

Cadets must bring a water, snack, and a lunch.

The annual ceremonial review starts at 1300. 

There will be a BBQ after. Parents who wish to donate food (desserts, salad etc.) may do so providing they are store bought.

NB: All fifers and drummers must bring their fife, drum pads, and drum sticks. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

      Current Week

Sunday June 7

1300-1600: Annual Ceremonial Review practice at Carleton Memorial United Church
(740 Melfa Cr.)

Cadets are to dress in appropriate civilian clothing. 

Sunday, 24 May 2015

      Current Week

Saturday May 30

Cleanup of grave-site of Vice Admiral Kingsmill in Portland, Ontario - cadets are to arrive at Dow's Lake at 0830 in full uniform. Transportation and lunch will be provided. For those cadets with any food allergies please bring a lunch. Pick-up time at Dow's Lake will be
at 1600.

Pick-up time at Dow's Lake is at 1600.

Permission form below must be printed and filled out. OHIP cards are required.

Permission Form

*No cadet training on Sunday May 31*

Sunday, 10 May 2015

      Current Week

Saturday May 23

Fort Henry Trip:

Those cadets selected to attend are to arrive at Dow's Lake at 0945. No uniforms are required for the trip. Cadets are to bring a lunch for Saturday.

See the information below for kit list and further details:

Letter to parents and Permission Form
Information on Fort Henry Trip
Medical form for Fort Henry Trip

*No cadet training on Sunday May 24*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to



Sunday, 3 May 2015

Saturday May 9


Cadets are to arrive at Carleton Memorial United Church at 740 Melfa Cres. just
off of Prince of Wales Drive near Meadowlands Drive (Hogs Back Falls Area) by 8:00 AM. See below for more information:

Map of Carleton Memorial United Church

Sunday May 10


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Sunday May 3

Battle of Atlantic Parades: The cadets will take part in two parades- a morning parade at the National War Memorial and an afternoon parade at Westboro. Bus transportation will be provided. 

Cadets are to be at Dow's Lake at 0830. The bus will take them to the downtown
parade and the Westboro parade.

Lunch will be provided.

The bus will return to Dow's lake at approximately 1530 (3:30pm).

Information on Fort Henry Trip
Medical form for Fort Henry Trip

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Current Week

Sunday April 26

1200-1300: Fife and drum band
1300-1600: Regular cadet training

NB: Promotions for cadets will take place at sunset. Parents are encouraged to attend and take photos.

Officers are to be in number "1"'s

Information on Fort Henry Trip
Medical form for Fort Henry Trip

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Monday, 13 April 2015

Current Week

Sunday April 19

1200-1300: Fife and drum band
1300-1600: Regular cadet training

Cadets should look at the appropriate Study Packages found at the link below
prior to cadet training on April 19.
Cadets will go over the study packages in the first period
of training on April 19 and write their exams in the second period.

Study Packages

Photo album updated March 8, 2015.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Current Week

Saturday April 11


Cadets are to arrive at Carleton Memorial United Church at 740 Melfa Cres. just
off of Prince of Wales Drive near Meadowlands Drive (Hogs Back Falls Area) by 8:00 AM. See below for more information:

Letter to parents
Driver's Escort  Information

Map of Carleton Memorial United Church

Sunday April 12


Cadets should look at the appropriate Study Packages found at the link below
prior to cadet training on April 19.
Cadets will go over the study packages in the first period
of training on April 19 and write their exams in the second period.

Study Packages

Photo album updated March 8, 2015.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Monday, 23 March 2015

Current Week

Sunday March 29

1100-1300 - Seamanship competition training
1200-1300 - Fife and drum Band practice
1300-1600 - Regular cadet training

Photo album updated March 8, 2015.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 8 March 2015

      Current Week

Sunday March 15

NO cadet training - MARCH BREAK

Sunday March 22

1200-1300 - Fife and drum Band practice
1300-1600 - Regular cadet training

Photo album updated March 8, 2015.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Current Week

Saturday March 7

Squadron competitions for the Competition Teams at HMCS Cataraqui, Kingston:

Cadets are to be at Dow's Lake at 0645 (6:45 am). The bus will leave at 0700.
The cadets will return to Dow's Lake at approximately 1915 (7:15 pm).
Cadets are to be dressed in full uniform including white top. Health Cards and permission forms must be brought.
Any cadet without these will not be permitted to travel.
Please read the Letter to parents

Permission form and Statement of Medical Fitness
Map to HMCS Cataraqui

Sunday March 8

1300-1400 - Regular cadet training

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email to

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sunday March 1

No Regular Cadet training. However Competition Team training be will held as follows:

1200-1600 - Seamanship and First Aid training at Dow's Lake in the Ship's Office.

Drill Team and Semaphore: 1300-1600 at
Carleton Memorial United Church
Directions from Dow's Lake
It is at the corner of Prince of Wales just a couple if blocks south of Hog's back.
Drill team cadets are to wear their full uniforms including boots and are to also
bring a pair of sneakers with them along with a snack and water.

For information on the Squadron Competitions on March 7 at Kingston click on the on the following links:

Letter to parents

Permission for and Statement of Medical Fitness
Map to HMCS Catarqui

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email or

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Sunday February 22

1100-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 25, 2015*

If your cadet is ill please have them stay at home to recuperate.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email or

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Sunday February 8

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 25, 2015*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sunday February 1

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 25, 2015*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sunday January 25

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 12, 2015*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Sunday January 18

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 12, 2015*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Sunday January 11

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email