Sunday, 22 February 2015

Sunday March 1

No Regular Cadet training. However Competition Team training be will held as follows:

1200-1600 - Seamanship and First Aid training at Dow's Lake in the Ship's Office.

Drill Team and Semaphore: 1300-1600 at
Carleton Memorial United Church
Directions from Dow's Lake
It is at the corner of Prince of Wales just a couple if blocks south of Hog's back.
Drill team cadets are to wear their full uniforms including boots and are to also
bring a pair of sneakers with them along with a snack and water.

For information on the Squadron Competitions on March 7 at Kingston click on the on the following links:

Letter to parents

Permission for and Statement of Medical Fitness
Map to HMCS Catarqui

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email or

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Sunday February 22

1100-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 25, 2015*

If your cadet is ill please have them stay at home to recuperate.

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email or

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Sunday February 8

1100-1200 - Fife and Drum Band - only those cadets in the Band will meet
Please bring a lunch.

1200-1300 - Competition Team training - only those cadets who have signed up for competition teams attend.

1300 - 1600 - Regular cadet training

*Photo album updated January 25, 2015*

If your cadet will be absent for any reason please send an email