Sunday, 7 June 2015

      Current Week

Sunday June 14

Annual Ceremonial Review

Cadets are to arrive at Connaught Ranges (see map below) at 0900 in appropriate civilian dress. Wear a hat and bring/wear sunscreen.

Map of Connaught Ranges

Cadets are to bring their full uniform. Pants and shirts are to be pressed and
brought on a hanger and boots polished. Males should have proper haircuts and females should have their hair in a bun.

Cadets must bring a water, snack, and a lunch.

The annual ceremonial review starts at 1300. 

There will be a BBQ after. Parents who wish to donate food (desserts, salad etc.) may do so providing they are store bought.

NB: All fifers and drummers must bring their fife, drum pads, and drum sticks. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

      Current Week

Sunday June 7

1300-1600: Annual Ceremonial Review practice at Carleton Memorial United Church
(740 Melfa Cr.)

Cadets are to dress in appropriate civilian clothing.